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Wand Combos

Jan 14, 2011
Hello wizards and admins!!

this more or less directed at the admin's or developers more then players

but i was wondering about the pack wand combo's. if you haven't noticed their are wands (and gear) from packs that specifically set up in this combo:


was just curious on they thought about comboing these schools together or why. if you have any ideas why they comboed these schools together please let me know!!

Community Leader
I was thinking about that myself, and I am not really sure there is an answer, now I am curious myself. I was thinking maybe they were like a "backwards" school to the other.

Storm being a main hitter, life is a main healer
Fire being a main hitter, death can be a main hitter, but maybe more support
Myth can be a main hitter, Ice is a main support

All schools can hit or support, but this general idea may be the reasoning behind it, but now I am curious too!

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