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aura enchantment spells

Apr 15, 2010
ok maybe i am a wizard that thinks outside the box but when i use these spells not only to change my aura but maybe for the pip chance or defense against a certain school or a percent on my target,,, i get so much ridicule from other wizards that I'm beginning to wonder about this game and its players...Can you maybe explain to other wizards that these spells are not limited to the schools they hold auras for?But can be used for the extra pip chance or whatever it may provide Or do I just don't understand the meaning of the spells as sometimes when i use them its not for the aura at all but yet seems to make me stronger against other schools.Here i finally thought i had this game figured out only for other wizards to tell me I HAVE IT ALL WRONG...PLEASE EXPLAIN...Please and thank you in advance.....Bailey Spellhunter

Aug 03, 2014
violetrose236 on Sep 26, 2018 wrote:
ok maybe i am a wizard that thinks outside the box but when i use these spells not only to change my aura but maybe for the pip chance or defense against a certain school or a percent on my target,,, i get so much ridicule from other wizards that I'm beginning to wonder about this game and its players...Can you maybe explain to other wizards that these spells are not limited to the schools they hold auras for?But can be used for the extra pip chance or whatever it may provide Or do I just don't understand the meaning of the spells as sometimes when i use them its not for the aura at all but yet seems to make me stronger against other schools.Here i finally thought i had this game figured out only for other wizards to tell me I HAVE IT ALL WRONG...PLEASE EXPLAIN...Please and thank you in advance.....Bailey Spellhunter

When you say 'auras' do you mean the zero pip bubble that goes around you only or the 2-4 pip bubble that goes around the full battle ring?

If you're talking about the zero pip bubble around yourself then I have no idea why anyone would be thinking/saying anything about it...even if they think it unnecessary it's only one round and you know your wizard better than anyone.

If it is the pip bubbles that surround the entire battle ring there are a couple of reasons people might think it a 'bad' move. It affects everyone so we need to consider the way it will help the enemies as well as how it will help us. It also uses a lot of pips (especially when we use off-school ones) so it might not be the best pip use. If we use Powerplay it costs us 4 pips (more if we have any powerpips already) so it might not be worth it just to get extra power pips. We might have been better off using the pips we had or waiting a round or two to make up enough. It also gives the enemies better powerpip chance too...eeek!

I think it is just a matter of weighing up the cost in pips and rounds to see if it is helpful. That said, it's your wizard and you can play her/him however you want Sometimes players forget that it doesn't always have to be about efficiency, it is supposed to be about everyone having fun...it's also real people with real feelings behind the wizards. I'm sorry some people have been thoughtless and made you feel bad about your play-style...I promise, there are a lot of wizard who really won't care how you play because they're too busy having fun questing, battling and chatting with you

I hope this is helpful and I hope you find some really lovely friends in game soon...don't give up!