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Mega Pet Snack Pack.

Apr 28, 2012

I was just wondering why does it cost 2.500 crowns for the Mega Pet Snack Pack when you get little from it and it's cheaper to unlock one of the areas in the game?? Also why does it take forever to level up your pet but it's a lot easier to level up your Wizard??

Aug 03, 2014
Tiffy223 on May 21, 2018 wrote:

I was just wondering why does it cost 2.500 crowns for the Mega Pet Snack Pack when you get little from it and it's cheaper to unlock one of the areas in the game?? Also why does it take forever to level up your pet but it's a lot easier to level up your Wizard??
Hi Tiffy 223,

I don't speak for KI but I've mulled this same question over too. I think KI deliberately makes the mega snack pack expensive to encourage us to 'win' the snacks by playing the game instead of buying them. One of the things I like about Wiz and respect about KI is that they have made sure Wiz is NOT pay-to-win; it is very much PLAY-to-win!

If you're in need of mega snacks there are quite a lot of ways of getting them in game depending on your level. I like gardening for them because we can do that easily even at very low levels, but there are also dungeons that drops them every time as well.

For low levels Winterbane Hall (housing gauntlet) can be great for mega snacks - don't forget to get the recipe wrong because those dudes with their burnt stew also drop some nice snacks!

If you're high enough level for Mirror Lake there are 2 pixie stix guaranteed every run.

Personally I like gardening best because it's something that can just be ticking over without taking up lots of time. Couch Potatoes and Evil Magma Peas are the most popular because they guarantee a mega snack at elder and only take a few days to get there. There are other popular ones like Deadly Helephant Ears which give mega snacks and loads of TC to use/sell.

The ones I've mentioned are crown seeds though and although they drop in game might be tricky to get enough of quick enough for your pet projects. While building up a collection of those a really good one to do is prickly bear cactus. We can buy their seeds in the bazaar or directly from Charlie in the Oasis. They drop good snacks through their mature and elder stage and although they don't reseed at elder they drop so many of their own seed during mature I always had more than I needed to replant....but if you found yourself a few short you can just buy some more to fill the gaps.

As for training pets v training wizards....teaching a person something new is far easier than teaching a cat or fish or...whatever beastie we have lol

Apr 28, 2012
Thanks Victoria Fireheart i'll give those a try . I'm a level 119 now. Any idea where the best place to farm Mega Pet Snacks ??

Aug 03, 2014
Tiffy223 on May 21, 2018 wrote:
Thanks Victoria Fireheart i'll give those a try . I'm a level 119 now. Any idea where the best place to farm Mega Pet Snacks ??
I don't usually farm for snacks because I garden them instead but Mirror Lake is a good one for farming and at your level it should be quite quick runs too. You'll likely be able to find teams farming for snacks as well if you prefer to have company or if it's faster in a team...but you would manage it solo if you prefer that

I'm not sure if there are newer places that are good for snacks and if there are I hope other people will chime in and let you know! Mirror lake is good because of the guaranteed 2 pixie stix for finishing (30xp each).

If you're into monstrology I think you can collect the Spectral Guardians too - Elephant; Gorilla; Lion and Zebra. You should get some decent gold from selling drops and you can win one-shot gauntlets there too. During holidays it's a good place for seasonal drops as well

I hope this helps

Jan 18, 2010
I wanted to reintegrate the Gardening Aspect mentioned earlier.

This is by far one of the most easiest and sure fire way of gaining mega snacks.

Now, as Victoria suggested, most of the seeds that drops these snacks are crowns only (as you'd imagine), but are still farmable/obtainable from other methods other than the crown shop.

But, before I get into those seeds, why not mention the seeds that you can actually get in the bazaar that can give you mega snacks?

White Tiger Lily - These are one of my top five favorite plants, their looks really do help (haha). Now, White Tiger Lilies have a chance of dropping the so coveted Fancy Yogurt Mega Snack at elder. In fact, in my experience, I'd say the chances are about 100% :)
They will always drop the snack at elder. The unfortunate thing about these plants are that they do not re-seed, but, they are sometimes available at Bazaar.
They are additional also available from jewel seed plants (circle jewel plant, square jewel plant etc.) and from ultra tiger lilies.
I encourage you to give them a try!

Maltese Tiger Lily - It's counterpart, also available from the methods I mentioned above with the White Tiger Lily, will drop the Captains Cantaloupe at elder! So, if you're unable to get your hands on the white tiger lily, try the Maltese. It also drops useful storm treasures.

So, as you can now deduce, these tiger lilies are guaranteed drops for mega snacks, but obtaining them is the huge issue.

You can plant regular tiger lilies as well in hopes of eventually gaining the higher seeds.

I'll note other methods below (most of which will include the crowns only seeds)

Jan 18, 2010
The other seeds with guaranteed mega snack drops include:

Couch Potatoes
Maelstrom Snap Dragon
Deadly Helephant Ears
Evil Magma Peas
Sword Fern

Now, like I said earlier, these are al crowns only plants available from the crown shop. But, that doesn't mean that this is the only avenue you can employ to get them.

For the Potatoes, try:
Faming - Troubled Warriors in Grizzleheim,
Grendel Sapscar
Grendel Spikeroot
Kol Shadowsong (Ravenscar Boss)

Evil Magma Peas:

Doctor Yooh
Sir Agravaine

Deadly Helephant Ears:

Garden; Ultra Helephant Ears and Pink Huckleberries

Black Annie
Ivan the Greater
Disloyal Knight
Drowned Knight
Horned Brocket

Now, you don't expect to get these seeds upon your first couple tries at these mobs/bosses. Remember that they are crowns only, so you may be doing this a while before you even get one seed drop.
But, stay persistent.

You are also probably wondering why I'm pushing so hard for you to garden to get these plants, well:

These seeds are guaranteed sources of continuous snacks as opposed to farming which only gives you a temporary solution, so why not do both?

The seeds, in particular the crowns only seeds do re-seed and the deadly helephant ears also has a chance of dropping the Ultra Helephant ears (which again has a chance of re-seeding another deadly helephant ears and mega snacks!).

Finally, we're due for a Gardening Bonus sometime within the near future; could be this week, next week or even next month, but, it's coming. You want to be prepared as you're able to take full advantage of this covented bonus. It's an excellent time to recoup all used snacks (used this past week in my case [Thanks again KI]) and even grow your garden even larger!

It's excellent!

Post if you've anymore queries.

Good Luck!

Apr 15, 2017
Do NOT farm for couch potatoes in Grizzlehiem, it is a waste of time you will maybe get one or two a day.

Once you unlock Empyrea (You are definitely close) farm the Secret Tunnel in Ariel Jungle. You will get a lot of couch potatoes - and need to farm this anyway to get the best boots in the game. It helps to only do the first two fights and restart the dungeon, especially since you are balance & the final boss is balance.

I'm not sure exactly how many you get a day but it'll be a lot. You should also get a lot of couch potatoes just from questing in Mirage and Empyrea. I myself feed them to my pet because I have too many planted, and a ton in my bank.

Apr 28, 2012
Thanks everyone this helped a lot lol now i have a lot of gardening to do ..