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hatching from kiosk

Jul 26, 2013
can someone explain what it means when the kiosk says you don't have a hatching slot?
I hatched a pet, a little bit later I went back to see if I could hatch the pet again with the pet I really wanted to hatch, and it said you don't have a hatching slot. Then it said buy elixir. There is nothing on the instructions from the tome or the new guide book about hatching slots. Could someone please explain this to me thanks?

Jul 02, 2017
A hatching slot is like the timer slots you use for crafting. However, unlike crafting, you only have one slot for hatching pets. You cannot hatch again until your timer cools down all the way. If you're a member, it takes 12 hours. If you're not a member, I believe it is 24 hours.

Aug 03, 2014
Hatching through the kiosk still requires us to have a hatching slot, a pet that is adult or above and sufficient gold. Your hatching timer resets automatically after 24 hours (12 hours for members). You can find the count down if you go into your book to 'character' (shortcut C), then click 'timeslots' (it's the greenish tab to the right with a stopwatch symbol). Your hatching slot is the one with a piggle icon.

If you don't want to wait for the timer to reset itself and want to hatch sooner you can purchase a Purreau's Potion in the crown shop for 400 crowns. It is found under 'elixirs'. BE CAREFUL: make sure you use the Purreau's Potion (400 crowns) and don't get mixed up with the Hatching Elixir (150 crowns). The hatching elixir hatches all eggs in your backpack, while the Purreau's potion resets the timer! I bought the wrong one the first time!

If you do want to hatch all eggs with the hatching elixir make sure the eggs are all in your backpack first because it doesn't hatch eggs in your bank....I made that mistake too when I had a full backpack and the egg went straight to my bank lol.

I hope this helps!

Jan 30, 2015
You are on the same timer that you would normally be on if you'd hatched in the Pavilion. Go to your character stats (type the "c" key) and look at the time slots list (clock icon, far right). My hatching time slot is the last one, so it's on the second page.

That will tell you how much longer you have to wait to hatch again.

Aug 29, 2010
when you hatch with a pet in the kiosk, you use your hatching timer and have to wait for it to either reset (12 hours if you are a member or 24 if a crowns player) or you have to buy a timer reset to hatch again before your timer resets on its own.

Essentially its like you went in the hatchery and hatched with someone, once you do you can't hatch again until your timer cools down or you buy a timer reset from the crown shop.