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Battling Sprockets

Nov 16, 2017
Finally, on the third try I got to the top of the Counterweight East tower. I've played the game before but forgot that at the top of the stairway on that top level there's only a narrow bridge and then more stairs. I have serious fear of heights and nearly barfed on my keyboard because there are no rails and you can see down into the building quite a ways. This battle was quite a challenge for me. I usually watch it progress, but with the feeling I might fall off if I backed up too far and the camera swinging around there were times when I closed my eyes. I know, I know....I'm supposed to remember I'm sitting in my living room playing a game but sometimes the visuals are pretty real. My heart rate has now returned to normal and I'm off to the bazaar for more treasure cards. Here at home I think I'll go read.

Rachel, Storm lvl 34