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Server Issues Recently?

Nov 21, 2013
For the past week, I've experienced very bad stuttering in most areas throughout the game other than my houses. I've done everything I can to remedy this issue without any success which has led me to believe it may be on their end rather than my own. I've connected to the game both on a wired and wireless connection of roughly 100Mbps download / 15Mbps upload speeds. I've also connected from my mobile phone's tethering and checked for packet loss and latency on multiple games. Wizard is the only game that's giving me a constant, predictable stutter every few seconds that's dramatic enough to strain my eyes while moving. Lastly, I'm positive this is not a hardware issue as I'm running the game on a computer that's beyond capable for Wiz and my frame rates in the game do not change despite the stutters. Win 7 / i7 6500k / GTX 1070 / 8gb sticks @ 2400

Anyone have any suggestions? It would be much appreciated. I'm going to reinstall the entire game if all else fails, but I'd rather not for the time being because I have a feeling that'll change nothing.