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Panopties Lair - Help

May 05, 2011
I gifted a friend of mine crowns to get his level 118 myth pet because he needed to buy the Mount Olympus Dungeon to have access to the boss needed to complete this quest. He purchased the Mount Olympus Dungeon 3 days prior to the update that made this boss accessible for free. He has asked for his crowns back since it was so close to the update but has been refused twice. He isn't a US resident and I wonder if his crowns cannot be refunded because of this or just in general there is no refund after that type of purchase. I am really confused on this, please reconsider refunding his crowns.

Feb 13, 2011
He shouldn't get a refund because he bought it before the update. It's like going to the store and buying something. Then 3 days later there a sale and the person thinks "oh I was close enough to the sale, I should get some of my money back."

Jul 16, 2014
Sorry to say but I doubt he will get refunded. Just bad timing. You can't buy something then see it on sale 3 days or whatever later and go back and ask for a refund. There is a saying "buyer beware". Not trying to bring ya down but they bought it when they bought it and that's that. They already told him twice sorry no refund so no use trying on the forums. If they reconsider for your friend they open the self up to refund for everyone. I doubt they will do that. Just chalk it up to bad luck/timing.

May 05, 2011
I figured as much, thanks for the replies, no hurt in trying.