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Best schools for team of 3

Apr 09, 2011
Hi, me and my 2 other friends are gonna make new wizards,what would be a good team? I have a death and one of my friends has balance. My other friend has a fire

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
Any will do truth be told. I'd first go with whatever school you each want to be (flip coins if you all three want to be the same) However, you'll probably want a hitter, a healer and blade-er. That could mean . However, I'd think that doing a + either two Elemental or + two Spirit Schools would be good. That way the Tri-Blades and Traps work for both people. It's up to you!

Nov 17, 2015
MightySwashbuckler... on Jul 6, 2016 wrote:
Hi, me and my 2 other friends are gonna make new wizards,what would be a good team? I have a death and one of my friends has balance. My other friend has a fire
the best combo i can think of is ice, balance, and death..... ice for defense, balance for blades, and death for hits/heals

Sep 17, 2012
Is a pretty classic combo, giving Healer, Tank/Support, Hitter. Any combo of 3 can work well. The biggest component is teamwork. As long as everyone on the team is working together helping each other, it's a winning combo. Everyone should be working towards setting up the hitter AND protecting the team. If you have 3 players all trying to set up themselves for a hit you will lose more than you win.

Apr 07, 2011
I am a myth Wizard and my friends are Fire and Life.

I think we make the best team and that , and are the best for a team.

Feb 08, 2009
I would say (hammer, healer and tank) or (hammer, healer, support/tank) (You could also switch out with and with or ).