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Lore Packs - My Experience

Feb 27, 2009
Hello everyone,

Just now I was preparing to spend 60k crowns on the Grizzleheim Lore Pack in order to get Ratatoskr's Spin for my Life wizard, level 33. Mainly because I'm doing Mount Olympus and I was tired of not having an AoE spell. Anyhow, I was preparing to spend all this money but I received the permanent spell on my very first try! I only spent 399 crowns and I got the spell I wanted.

This isn't a PSA, I just wanted to let everyone know that it isn't always bad news with the packs. I've just been seeing a lot of anti-KI chatter around on YouTube, Reddit, and other forums that make it sound like KI doesn't ever listen to their fans. I think they are doing their best to listen to us. I do think they try and sometimes they fail. But I don't always agree with the hate they get for trying to make money to pay the developers and keep the game afloat.

Just my two cents. I seem to be quite lucky with the packs. I hope others are just as lucky.

Note: Please no arguing or hateful comments. I didn't post this to start an argument. I just want to let people know that some Wizards are getting good drops. We just frequently here more about the bad ones than the good.
