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Pet information page ideas

Aug 21, 2013
This is something that I've been thinking about for awhile (parts of it anyways), and decided to finally post something on it. Ideas for getting more out of the pet pages (displays talent/derby abilities, stats, etc).

First, some sort of indicator that the pet is a first generation pet (if it is), like maybe a next to the pedigree or next to the symbol for the school of the pet. Hovering over the star would bring up a little message saying it's a first generation pet, ie, no parents.

Second, at the bottom where the snacks, jewels, etc options are, add another button that would provide the pet's background. The background could have a couple of tabs/pages...

- First tab would be like a birth/hatch certificate. Where the name of the parents are, a button to click that would show the same dialog box you see when hatching (both parents, their names, pedigree, developed talents, etc, at the time the pet was hatched), along with date and time the pet hatched and what it's name was at the time. If it's a first generation pet, then a "certificate of authenticity" of sorts, sort of like an award or something, with details of how it was obtained and when. (Drop from a boss, reward of some sort, crown shop, etc.) The certificate should also have an ID number (sort of like a serial number) and should be unique to that pet.

- Second tab for some basic stats (number of battles (PvE and PvP) the pet has been used in, times it's been used in a hatch), etc.

Third idea, clicking on the name of the pet (in the main pet page) opening a window that lists the history of name changes (if any were made).

Fourth idea, when hovering over a developed ability (talent/derby), not only give the regular info of what the talent does, but also include when it was developed. When in the summary view (what is called 'default' view), when hovering over the jewel slot, give info on the jewel history.

I'm sure that W101 pet enthusiasts would absolutely love it, and those who train like crazy would love it as well, as it would make it easier to keep track of their pets and how they got them.