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automatic enchant needs to happen.

Jun 26, 2009
i see no reason why i or anyone else has to use up 8 slots in a pvp deck for epic, gargantuan, etc why not have the option to automatically be enchanted with the spells ive already learned? so assuming i trained all the way up to epic just auto enchant all my hit spells to that option unless i choose otherwise. its a big waste of space in deck.
just a thought.

Jan 11, 2012
I half agree with this idea, and not just for pvp. You should have the enchantment in your deck, but when you get into battle, having it auto enchanted would be nice. However, a problem arises. If you have more than one level or type of enchantment, which spell gets which enchant? Suppose I have 2 Epics and an Animus collection spell, but only 2 attack spells? What gets which enchantment? Remove the Animus collection and let's say I have an epic and a Sniper enchantment with the same number of attack spell? Again, which enchant goes where?

I would say that the ONLY way this should happen was if you had only ONE enchant type. if I'm fighting a monster, have 2 attack spells, and 2 epics, THEN it should auto enchant because there is no other option.

Aug 16, 2014
I think that the astrals are a bonus, not required. So, they should take up room to be able to use them. Auto enchanting is a little OP and unpredictable. Like, say it worked for sharpen blade, the computer might sharpen all of the blades when I don't want it to, thus giving me doubles of blades. But I still agree with the last part, Dayerider.

-Zachary SpirtLeaf 121