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Dungeon glitch makes me restart

Dec 28, 2013
So this isnt just mooshu all through out my wizard101 when i click team up for a dungeon it makes me restart at the end saying talk to some one and he will either not be there or it makes me kill a boss i already killed

Dec 30, 2014
That's weird, thats one thing out of my 4 years of playing i have never heard of. I have never seen it, and I have no idea what a possible fix for it would be. Is it only for team up, or even when you enter a dungeon with a physical team?

Aug 03, 2014
Wow that must be so frustrating!

I'd contact KI support via the website so they can check what's happening on your account. Log into the website (Wizard101.com) and submit a ticket. Give them the account username (NOT PASSWORD) and the affected characters (name, school, level...or 'all' if it's the entire account affected). Explain what the issue is and how long it has been happened and ask them to look into it for you.

Keep your eyes open for the email saying they got your ticket and then for any further emails (this may take a couple of days so be patient). They might want more info but the above info might be enough.

Good luck and I hope it's sorted out soon!

Sep 14, 2010
I have had this happen in KT, MB, and just now the quest to the Beagle Camp in the first tower. I finish them just like usual. I don't port out. It gets really frustrating to have to repeat a dungeon. Did you ever get it resolved? Would like to know if it's a bug or what. Never had this issue before and I've been playing since 2010.