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Wizard101 Isn't a Dating Site

Dec 16, 2009
Fable Finder on Jul 8, 2018 wrote:
The discussion is not over because you missed the point of the thread. The point of the thread was not about whether or not there is a rule against it. The point was about the morality of it all, and you have not said one thing about this.

Also, you forgot what I said: "Yes, if these two individuals are following the rules and not exposing anyone to anything inappropriate, there's no issue. But there is an issue with actively searching for someone to date on Wizard101 because, for one, you can expose minors to something inappropriate. And the majority of these people are not being appropriate."

I went into more detail in my other response submitted around the time same as this one. The problem is not the dating itself necessarily but that the majority of these daters break other rules.
That's because the morality of it is neither here nor there. You seem to find dating in the game immoral. I don't find dating in the game immoral- I simply see it as a normal human behavior. KI doesn't dictate the behavior of players based on morals- it dictates it based on rules. The simple fact is that there is no rule against dating. Thus, KI has no reason to sanction those who engage in dating(a behavior you find distasteful).

Once again- inappropriateness is already against the rules. No one is saying you should allow inappropriate behavior- if you see it report it. What we are saying is that Dating is not inappropriate according to the rules KI has in place, thus if you see it then ignore, move along, whatever.