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Garden Harvest glow new feature

Aug 30, 2014
So with the new update was added the feature that when your plants are ready to be harvested for a regular harvest, your gardening button glows. A great feature. However, when I ported to a friend who had a bunch of helephant ears ready to be harvested, my button glowed even though they weren't mine. And since I didn't have a button visible because it wasn't my house, it just showed up as a yellow pulsing dot at the corner of my screen. Very strange.

Hope this helps fix the bug.

Moira Stormheart

May 07, 2015
Moira Stormheart on Apr 15, 2017 wrote:
So with the new update was added the feature that when your plants are ready to be harvested for a regular harvest, your gardening button glows. A great feature. However, when I ported to a friend who had a bunch of helephant ears ready to be harvested, my button glowed even though they weren't mine. And since I didn't have a button visible because it wasn't my house, it just showed up as a yellow pulsing dot at the corner of my screen. Very strange.

Hope this helps fix the bug.

Moira Stormheart
o.o me too! when I was at a friends house, there was a pulsing dot near the little magnifying glass thing! I was like, "what the heck is that thing?"

Jun 06, 2008
Thanks! We are aware of this bug and will be fixing it in an upcoming update.