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Divide Spells

Nov 21, 2011
With the release of Mirage, we have the new divide spells, which can be very powerful, especially if you choose a single target. However, if you include the pip cost, as well as look at enchanting a same cost all-hitting spell, it is a lot less viable, as well as coming across as a waste of a pip.

I'll post this here, as i am a bit unsure if this should go in a help section or suggestions, but the point about the spell being weaker on multiple targets than a spell that costs the same (without the pip) still stands.


My suggestion for an improvement is making enchants on these spells function as +*insert enchant damage here*, much like an X pip spell such as Judgement. Let's use spells as an example.

Scorching Scimitars has 1092 damage. Seems respectable, doesn't it? And it certainly is powerful for it's cost on a single target. With an epic enchant, this damage goes up to 1392.

However when you divide it between multiple enemies, it also splits the enchant damage, so if you were to select 4 targets with your school's divide spell, that extra damage would effectively become +75 to all enemies, instead of the +300 you would expect from epic.

This would make Scorching Scimitars inferior to Meteor Strike in pretty much every way, as an epic enchanted meteor has 605-645 damage, while the 1392 from Scorching Scimitars will be split, and will only hit for 348 damage, which is barely stronger than Meteor Strike when unenchanted!

Under the same system as the X pip spells though, this would function differently. 1092 divided will hit for 273 damage to each target, but when you add the +300, this will hit for 573 to each target. Still not as effective as Meteor Strike, but it is still more than the size of the hit previously.

If you were to change this to 3 targets, the hit would be for 364 to each enemy. Add the +300, and this hit becomes 664 to each target, which is now slightly more viable than the high roll of 645 that an epic enchanted meteor offers.

On 2 targets, this increases again to 546 damage. With a +300 enchant, this would become 846 to both targets. Now the damage is on par with numerous 8-pip spells, and the potential to hit a second target is well worth the cost of the pip.

On a single target, it would be functionally identical to how it is now, as 300 undivided is still 300.

I hope this suggestion makes sense. It would certainly make the dividing of the damage of these spells much more useful