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Lore Master Drops and a school spell corversion.

Sep 20, 2013
I have farmed Lore master for a very long time and I've got a lot of cool spells that do little to know damage because there not in my school. Is there any way a new spell could be created that would allow you to temporarily convert your gear provided damage to a different school?

Specifically I am a death wizard and I just acquired Queen Calypso in lore and I want to use the spell. As my gear is set up for a death wizard the spell is weak. My request is for a new dungeon, with a 25% chance the drop could be a star school spell allowing you're gear damage/critical/pierce to convert over to all schools for a few rounds.

My thought is the only condition to obtain the spell is if you have learned all the lore master spells even if you used card packs or crafted and the dungeon you go through is set to the level of the highest powered wizard entering the dungeon. If lore master can master all the school spells lets have a way players can train to do the same for a few rounds.

I know it would take a lot of the challenge out of the game for lower level wizards who farm with friends and change how people would PVP so please comment on if you like my idea or not and what you think.


William Stardust