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Beastmoon Balance Moonstone?

Aug 11, 2011
I want to ask what the purpose of the balance moonstone is. You can use fire moonstones to make fire seeds, storm moonstones to make storm seeds, etc. but you can't use balance moonstones to make balance seeds-- only harmonious moonstones make balance seeds. So I have like 75 balance moonstones with absolutely nothing to use them on.

So, what is the purpose of balance moonstones? If they're supposed to be used to make seeds, can you fix that and make them able to be used to make seeds?

Apr 18, 2013
lovelley on Jun 6, 2020 wrote:
I want to ask what the purpose of the balance moonstone is. You can use fire moonstones to make fire seeds, storm moonstones to make storm seeds, etc. but you can't use balance moonstones to make balance seeds-- only harmonious moonstones make balance seeds. So I have like 75 balance moonstones with absolutely nothing to use them on.

So, what is the purpose of balance moonstones? If they're supposed to be used to make seeds, can you fix that and make them able to be used to make seeds?
Good question!

I just ran to Arena to check. The only thing I found is Actaeon sells a recipe for Elemental and Spirit Moonstone. It costs 25 Lunari each recipe. It's basically seemingly useless.