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Level 75 quest??

Feb 08, 2014
So I guess this should be a Wizard city topic...
Anyway, the other day while I was in Avalon I reached level 75 and the storm school teacher said to come see him.
So I went to the storm school but there was no quest there...
Is it a bug? Or is there not a quest?
Also at the same time I received the badge: Squire
- Gavin Shade, level 75

Jan 18, 2010
My, you've quite a number of threads opened.

Good to see you getting accustomed to the Message Boards!

When the professor called you, it is actually not a bug. Your level 75 spell is called Dimension Shift . However, the one the Professor has in store for you is another minion summoning spell called Vassanji

The reason why he possible doesn't have a quest for you is because you've not satisfied earlier requirements for the quest in question.

In addition to being level 75, you must:

Doing all of this will eventually lead you to the quest No New Land given by the Storm Professor.

Also note, the above is also required to learn the first spell I mentioned above; it's just that another NPC will be teaching you the spell.

Notice I did not refer to your own school professor (Cyrus Drake) throughout my explanation.

This is because not all your school spells (and pets) will come from him; which is again why it is so imperative you do side content.

The requirements above will take you some time to complete, but it must be done in order to learn your new spells.

Again, Good Luck.