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Save the 7-Eleven Pets!

Jul 20, 2018
As many of you know, Kingsisle cycles through gift cards containing rare items and sets. One of these was a gift card available at US 7-Eleven stores (weird place, I know, but just go with it). It contained a monthly rotation of various dragon pets that had fun cards on them. As you might guess, the card has been retired, and these pets are now next to impossible to find. If we could get a way for these pets to return, that would be much appreciated.

Link to wiki for card: http://www.wizard101central.com/wiki/Item:7-Eleven_$10_USA_Gift_Card

Jun 17, 2013
I do agree, i would like to see these pets come back, but the thing is, is that there are some people who don't have a seven eleven near then which makes it hard to get them for some people, but i feel like they should come back into the game somehow because they give good things that are helpful to new players