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don't understand

May 26, 2011

I have been playing for sometime and though I am a I was doing OK then a couple of months ago everything changed. I cannot win a battle because all my cards are coming in sets. I get all my healing cards or all my power ups, all my star power ups all at once, usually during the first three rounds. Next thing I know I'm dead.

spells are less than all the others anyway but you think that you would at least have a chance. I must admit I'm not a great fighter and I thought I could team up but the times I get to play are to erratic. If I make friends half the time they do not play when I do and when we do meet up they are far ahead of me. I was going to concentrate on fishing and farming but you need to complete levels to do that.

Up until now I was enjoying the game but if they are going to make the monsters so much stronger than you and with an endless supply of spells it is not worth playing. Rah is ok but still not as strong as the other schools spells. you need the time and cards to set up your strike and even then it,s not enough.

I come back every so often to try again, it is just sad. If you are going to make the monsters strong enough to make it challenging for the schools with the strongest spells then there should be some compensation for those with lesser powers

Jan 18, 2010
Okay, so, you're saying that
"I cannot win a battle because all my cards are coming in sets. I get all my healing cards or all my power ups, all my star power ups all at once, usually during the first three rounds. Next thing I know I'm dead."

It's a good idea to have a small deck to prevent this exact thing. A deck with a couple balance blades, enchants and sandstorms should do the trick, maybe a heal incase of emergencies, but this is how you should proceed. You don't need a large deck packed with unnecessary cards for mobs fights, just make things more harder and a little more annoying.

"Rah is ok but still not as strong as the other schools spells. you need the time and cards to set up your strike and even then it,s not enough."

An enchanted Ra packed with a blade and maybe a couple traps can do decent damage. Do you enchant your spells by the way? This really makes a huge difference in whether your attack may kill or not. Also understand that Balance is meant to be different from the other schools and not necessarily the same. So, you can't expect the school's spells to follow the order to say a 's.

How's your gear looking? - If your gear is lacking, this can be a contributing factor to life or death.
Pet - Do you have a decent pet with at least fair resistance or that can heal?

Try applying the advice above and give it another try. is one of the more versatile and to say, powerful schools. It's power is not to be underestimated. It's up to you to harness and use that power to come out on top.

Dec 31, 2015
I doen't understand how people get threw Celestia so fast! I mean how do they even kill those sea botters!? I can't beat them! Please help me in Celestia in Crustacean empire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jan 11, 2013
I can't really help you out with boosting up balance itself as it is quite a weak school, but I can give you some tips:

1) Don't clutter your deck! For normal battles especially you dont need to have 4 of each card in your deck. Try to stick to only the essentials (but back up cards are useful in case a hit doesn't kill or you need more boosts)

2) If you are over level 60, I would HIGHLY recommend going to waterworks and farming for gear there as it is incredibly useful at that point in the game.

3) Sidequest! Many of Wintertusk's sidequests are very easy while still giving massive payout in xp. (I even recall seeing a quest which involved no battles whatsoever that rewarded 7000 xp) A few more levels never hurts.

4) Make sure to use boosts. While spells like Ra are powerful, they can reach great heights with just a few blades and traps.

5) Team up. If your struggling on a boss, team up is incredibly useful as you can easily find high level wizards willing to help.

Hope this all helps, and see you in the spiral!