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Hall of Champions: Collect the Gemstones

Jul 21, 2010
I had my Death wizard working in Krok on the Hall of Champions. She got the quest General Khaba called 'Get Some Bling' (http://www.wizard101central.com/wiki/Quest:Get_Some_Bling). In the room where General Khaba is there are two gemstones neither of which she can collect. So she goes and collects a couple off the street and it works just fine. My Death wizard goes back to those two, and tries again, again it doesn't work. I keep doing this until I finish the quest and it never lets me collect the gemstones in the room with General Khaba. Has this happened to anyone else?

Mar 12, 2010
Rainbow0839 on Dec 1, 2013 wrote:
I had my Death wizard working in Krok on the Hall of Champions. She got the quest General Khaba called 'Get Some Bling' (http://www.wizard101central.com/wiki/Quest:Get_Some_Bling). In the room where General Khaba is there are two gemstones neither of which she can collect. So she goes and collects a couple off the street and it works just fine. My Death wizard goes back to those two, and tries again, again it doesn't work. I keep doing this until I finish the quest and it never lets me collect the gemstones in the room with General Khaba. Has this happened to anyone else?
The gemstones in the room with him are not the ones you need, as you already found out. They are only decorations in his area. You need to go back out to the street area and find them there.

Oct 24, 2010
Rainbow0839 on Dec 1, 2013 wrote:
I had my Death wizard working in Krok on the Hall of Champions. She got the quest General Khaba called 'Get Some Bling' (http://www.wizard101central.com/wiki/Quest:Get_Some_Bling). In the room where General Khaba is there are two gemstones neither of which she can collect. So she goes and collects a couple off the street and it works just fine. My Death wizard goes back to those two, and tries again, again it doesn't work. I keep doing this until I finish the quest and it never lets me collect the gemstones in the room with General Khaba. Has this happened to anyone else?
The gemstones you need are on the streets, not by General Khaba. Go collect the rest. It's really not that difficult.

Jul 21, 2010
That's what I figured. I already collected them all, I was just wondering why I couldn't collect those.

Jun 11, 2009
The gems near General Khaba are gems required for a fire school quest. I think its steal charm (I could be wrong, it's been a while).

-Jordan ThunderGlade