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Balance Shadow Spell Topic.

Sep 29, 2014
OK, this is my first post but don't come here assuming I haven't read other forum posts on this subject.
I am posting this because people are trying so hard to make a case against Balance's shadow spell getting a remake or update. (which it needs)

:::I dont want to hear any complaints or reasoning coming from a storm wizard on why balance's spell shouldn't receive an update or remake:::

Balance has always been a strategic school, I've loved it from the very start since before Celestia came out. I've always known how to use my spells, never even complained about chimera because IMO I think its perfect.

and mana burn and Super Nova are just amazing spells for PVE! I absolutely love them!


I have to say I am very very very very Disappointed with my balance shadow spell.

For me balance has always been able to easily decide on whether to be a hitter, buffer, or just all out support within any level group at its own.

But by level 100 running with people your own level, you can't be a hitter. Gaze of Fate takes far to long to prepare for, and doesn't even attack all.

Balance has always been a school that stood balanced between all. It may not have been a heavy hitter like storm, or a tank like ice, maybe not even as great of a healer as life. But it always had something that made up for it, or made it half way into those schools and half way decent.

I'm really sorry to say this but Gaze of Fate is just something I can't agree with and its a huge let down.

I would understand if it was at least a hit all AOE spell, but sadly its not. And it makes for a pretty down low useless spell in comparison to Balances other spells.

Please KI. Balance deserves to have its shadow spell tweaked or remade. This is the only thing I agree on.

Storm doesnt need a nerf, Death doesnt need a nerf. I'm not one of those people who thinks any of this. Because balance could easily be up there too if you had kept the balance school spells balanced with the cost of its other spells needed or required to use it!

Sabertooth was a single hit, Artorious (which all schools recieved was a single hit!) Chimera was a single hit!

Balance needs another AOE spell at-least! Or an entire remake of their shadow spell!
Balance hasnt been able to lead dungeons for quiet some time now because of lack in AOE spells since RA.
Consider this coming from a balance wizard who actually appreciated Power Nova as its best AOE spell.

Feb 07, 2011
"But by level 100 running with people your own level, you can't be a hitter."

to this, i say: you've never met my balance wizard.she may not be as powerful as my storm, but she never has any problem killing stuff... and, if my group takes issue with that, then they're just jealous of my awesomeness/not a very good group.

i like gaze of fate~ it's our version of myth's double hits, which can come in handy in normal, non-cheaty scenarios (though i'm reluctant to use it in any instance that requires a high degree of specialization; because the second hit is random, i'm not willing to risk using a teammate's traps and prolong the fight by 20-30 minutes).

then again, i'm me. power nova is still my favourite spell, and a colossal one gets the job done (mine usually hit for around 1200-1300 damage with no blades), though i might put a sandstorm in for backup; the only single hits i use are the ones i've crafted (loremaster and savage paw), but even those are a rare sight in my deck these days.

(if you're referring to darkmoor, then no~ balance can't be a hitter there because we're the only ones who can't use our school blades during that last battle; i mean, i don't mind supporting the team when i choose to, but having it forced on me like that is totally unfair.)

that said, another aoe spell for balance would be a really nice addition in an upcoming release.


Sep 29, 2014
If you have anything in regards to what I said about Balance needing another AOE please dont hesitate to leave your opinion. It would be greatly appreciated to all balance wizards.

Sep 17, 2012
It's not the lack of AOE that prevents Balance from being a hitter in maim dungeons. It's the main bosses all being resistant to Balance.

Nov 12, 2013
Not be a hitter? Have you seen balance wizards in a 1v1 match? Between super nova, mana burn, their lore spells, and gaze of fate they're totally amazing and I have never once won against a balance wizards in pvp. They keep your pips low and will destroy your aura in a flash, gaze of fate is extremely hard to defend against unless you have trained the majority of double shield from each school, and it also resets the bubble. Balance is truly a master of keeping things in their own favor, that's why I love them, :).

Jan 27, 2012
Arcanexo on Aug 4, 2015 wrote:
Not be a hitter? Have you seen balance wizards in a 1v1 match? Between super nova, mana burn, their lore spells, and gaze of fate they're totally amazing and I have never once won against a balance wizards in pvp. They keep your pips low and will destroy your aura in a flash, gaze of fate is extremely hard to defend against unless you have trained the majority of double shield from each school, and it also resets the bubble. Balance is truly a master of keeping things in their own favor, that's why I love them, :).
The OP was referring to PvE experiences, hence Mason's wish for a stronger AoE which would allow them to be able to participate as attackers in dungeons.

I would agree with the OP. PvE-wise, Ice, Life and Balance have all been neglected, seeing as those three schools got their last AoE with Celestia's release. Myth only recently got a reprieve from repeated frogs. As someone with a theurgist, thaumaturge, and sorcerer, I can say I would more than applaud a new AoE for all of these schools.

Jul 05, 2009
Mason SilverEyes on Aug 1, 2015 wrote:
OK, this is my first post but don't come here assuming I haven't read other forum posts on this subject.
I am posting this because people are trying so hard to make a case against Balance's shadow spell getting a remake or update. (which it needs)

:::I dont want to hear any complaints or reasoning coming from a storm wizard on why balance's spell shouldn't receive an update or remake:::

Balance has always been a strategic school, I've loved it from the very start since before Celestia came out. I've always known how to use my spells, never even complained about chimera because IMO I think its perfect.

and mana burn and Super Nova are just amazing spells for PVE! I absolutely love them!


I have to say I am very very very very Disappointed with my balance shadow spell.

For me balance has always been able to easily decide on whether to be a hitter, buffer, or just all out support within any level group at its own.

But by level 100 running with people your own level, you can't be a hitter. Gaze of Fate takes far to long to prepare for, and doesn't even attack all.

Balance has always been a school that stood balanced between all. It may not have been a heavy hitter like storm, or a tank like ice, maybe not even as great of a healer as life. But it always had something that made up for it, or made it half way into those schools and half way decent.

I'm really sorry to say this but Gaze of Fate is just something I can't agree with and its a huge let down.

I would understand if it was at least a hit all AOE spell, but sadly its not. And it makes for a pretty down low useless spell in comparison to Balances other spells.

Please KI. Balance deserves to have its shadow spell tweaked or remade. This is the only thing I agree on.

Storm doesnt need a nerf, Death doesnt need a nerf. I'm not one of those people who thinks any of this. Because balance could easily be up there too if you had kept the balance school spells balanced with the cost of its other spells needed or required to use it!

Sabertooth was a single hit, Artorious (which all schools recieved was a single hit!) Chimera was a single hit!

Balance needs another AOE spell at-least! Or an entire remake of their shadow spell!
Balance hasnt been able to lead dungeons for quiet some time now because of lack in AOE spells since RA.
Consider this coming from a balance wizard who actually appreciated Power Nova as its best AOE spell.
Honestly, i would complain about AOE spell, life only has one AOE and its honestly annoying, you guys have sandstorm, nova, and ra. Life only has forest lord, and IMO i feel like Gaze of Fate is a pretty good spell.

Oct 01, 2013
After thinking about it, none of the shadow enhanced spells should be changed. They're fine right now.