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Crowns vs Subscription, a brief guide

Dec 12, 2015
I was working this out myself to decide whether to subscribe or purchase area by area. Here is the list of areas by crowns.

Wizard City - 3750
Krokotopia - 11895
Wysteria - 3000
Mooshu - 10800
Celestia - 10170
Grizzleheim/Wintertusk - 19950
Azteca - 11970
Polaris - 9975
Tale of Four Dungeons - 8980
Aquila - 9735
Marleybone - 12000
Dragonspyre - 10800
Zafaria - 10170
Avalon - 10170
Khrysalis - 11970
Total - 155355

That will buy you the entire game. This is $180/£120 worth of crowns while on offer. Then you have the rest free to spend on the pvp tournaments and other content you now have to purchase with crowns, alongside mounts and pets, castles etc. This also allows you to buy new zones at around 10000 a pop.

When off offer, it should cost $240. The $60 increase is huge, and given the frequency of offers not worth it. I would recommend buying $60 worth of crowns now, then waiting for the next offer. If you finish everything, buy a sub for one month then cancel, etc. It'll save you money in the long run, if you play for over 2 years.

If you play for less than two years, buy a sub.

I'm personally buying $60 worth of crowns and waiting for the next sale to continue into the game.