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Catch of the Day Spell

Apr 18, 2011
I was thinking of farming for Catch of the Day spell in the skeleton key dungeon in Mooshu but I have a question.

Is the chance of dropping the spell the same chance of Loremaster dropping her spells, or is it a noticeably higher chance?

I want Catch of the Day but I don't want to waste all my skeleton keys (I have a lot) for a spell that's very very rare to get.

Sean Ashcloud Level 79, Transcendent Diviner

Apr 21, 2011
I don't no how good or bad the drop rate works but it took me about 20 times to get it if that helps idk

May 14, 2014
Yes, the spell Catalan is a bit easier to get, and its also a bonus you don't have to use keys for fighting Loremaster,but, at the same time, catch of the day is more useful so really its up to you, hopefully this helps.
Gavin DeathHammer level 100 wizard