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Giving up problems

Jul 02, 2014
K so peeps. I think I'm a pretty good wizard101 player but the thing is I never ever made all the way threw celestia and I really am stuck over there.In total I have made like to wizards up to celestia though I really want to go farther.

The reason I made two is because I want to find the best school.The first one was storm that really did not work out.Then I made a balance but it is hard with out a mastery amulet and it costs a lot Of crowns.You can imagine what my parents would think.Right now I am starting to do a ice wizard which I think I will stick with but I need your help

K so here is the point.I want you guys to tell me how to get threw stuff with out having to give up. I want you guys to make a guid for me so I won't fail and waste money for another worthless wizard.

Jan 25, 2015
well I have every school but myth and I don't have too bad of a time it just gets a little hard and I ask random people for help. I solo most of the time...... I would tell you to do wintertusk for extra back bone going into celesta but wintertusk has the same level of difficulty so I would suggest getting good gear

Oct 24, 2010
temeos on Apr 21, 2015 wrote:
K so peeps. I think I'm a pretty good wizard101 player but the thing is I never ever made all the way threw celestia and I really am stuck over there.In total I have made like to wizards up to celestia though I really want to go farther.

The reason I made two is because I want to find the best school.The first one was storm that really did not work out.Then I made a balance but it is hard with out a mastery amulet and it costs a lot Of crowns.You can imagine what my parents would think.Right now I am starting to do a ice wizard which I think I will stick with but I need your help

K so here is the point.I want you guys to tell me how to get threw stuff with out having to give up. I want you guys to make a guid for me so I won't fail and waste money for another worthless wizard.
There is no "best school" in this game. Each school has it's good and bad points. You have to learn how to work each school. You will struggle with Ice in Celestia but keep at it; Ice is an awesome school (and my favorite). Storm I had no problems with at all; the key to Storm is to get gear that boosts your accuracy and health. That's all you need. Balance I didn't have a problem with either. Again, make sure you are not under level and have the best gear possible. By the way, I had no mastery amulet for either. Once you get past a certain point, you'll rarely use a secondary school so they just aren't necessary.

There are tons of guides out there... do your research (even here on the message boards) and you'll find your way. The key to any game is patience.