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Mavra Flamewing?

May 03, 2009
I know that i've seen a topic related to this before, but it wasn't much help. I'm stuck on fighting Mavra Flamewing. I've tried multiple times, and I can't seem to kill both pox before getting killed. I am a life wizard, and I know that I can heal myself but are there any tips i'm missing?

Jan 25, 2015
I'm a life wiz too i'm not sure what i did to do beat her but i know i had some help but I would defeat one minion heal defeat the next heal and work on marva if i was soloing the boss thats what i do but if it doesnt work for you get someone to help

Oct 24, 2010
dogy07 on Mar 18, 2015 wrote:
I know that i've seen a topic related to this before, but it wasn't much help. I'm stuck on fighting Mavra Flamewing. I've tried multiple times, and I can't seem to kill both pox before getting killed. I am a life wizard, and I know that I can heal myself but are there any tips i'm missing?
Shields so that you don't get clobbered by Marva, and use your absorb as well. Use your traps/blades and the spirit blades you should have trained in Krok to boost strength. The pox aren't a big deal since they don't cast spells, it just takes time. Life gets a bit of a boost against these things, so that helps:


Also, you don't state your level but make sure you have the best gear possible.