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Losing active quest - annoying!

Jul 30, 2012
Losing my active quest is getting annoying!

In lower level worlds it would happen occasionally. In Avalon my active quest would often switch over to visiting the crafting trainer in Azteca (which I didn't have access to). Sometimes I would just lose an active quest. (no active quest -> all the quests would still be in my journal... I would have to sort through them to figure out which I am supposed to be on). The worst is when it switches to another quest without you realizing. Sometimes the segmented quests leave you with nothing in the quest journal and you must find the approriate npc to pick it up again.

I used to think it was partly from periodically switching between computers. So no big deal. But sometimes it was defintely lost or switched during active gaming.

Last night in Azteca my active quest (main quest) got dropped several times in a single gaming session. A stranger I was playing with said the exact same thing was happening to him. I ended up off the main quest because my active quest got dropped and I selected the incorrect quest from my journal. After about an hour I realized I was on a side quest.

KI --> Please try to fix the questing threads so they don't get broken. Its a definite source of confusion and annoyance.

Jan 06, 2009
I'm having the same problem. I know it will sometimes change when I pick up a new quest. But it is randomly changing. I walk out of a building it changes. Use the spiral door, it changes. Go home, it changes. If i do a battle and finish a quest, it changes before I turn it in. I'm also getting the bug again where my quest arrow disappears. Most times resetting it by clicking on a different quest helps. Sometimes I have to log out completely to fix it. I had a problem last year with my quest arrow getting stuck. I have the worst luck with quest arrows.

Oct 24, 2010
I complained about this to support months ago. It did no good.
New wizards, 'old' wizards, they are all having issues with nothing coming up or the wrong quest.
Is is annoying, but I don't see any fixes coming soon.
By "support," I was told to reinstall the game. No. Fix it.
Then I was told to send some huge file, which I sent.
Then they came back saying, "oops, looks like it was too big to send." No. It was too big for them to receive. I have gmail, it can and did send any size file without a problem. Very frustrating.