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One in a Million Guide -- Death School

Jun 08, 2012
I've finally done the One in a Million badge. I'm a level 70 Death Wizard and it took me three tries to do it. I learned a lot from the first two tries which allowed me to perfect my technique. The following guide should help other Death wizards achieve this badge.

First, I have +75% death damage--this is pretty important.

My gear is: Hangman's Hood, Cape, and Boots; Bear's Claw of Death Athame, Longbow of Grave Justice, Black Spinel of Battle, and for the One in a Million attempt, a Jewel of the Feint. My Fierce Hound pet also gives me +5% death damage, as well as increased death accuracy, as well as some other abilities.

Picking the right boss is key to success as well. Lord Nightshade is a great choice as he is a really weak death boss that is vulnerable to life damage. He can hit me over and over again while I'm prepping my blades and traps and never do much damage. It is important though that you take out his minion first thing, you don't need the hassle of the minion doing stuff as well.

If you want to bring a friend, that can help as well. I brought a level 34 Balance wizard with me to add a Balance Blade and Hex to the mix. Higher level sorcerers will also get Bladestorm, and can assist with Spirit Blades and Spirit Traps.

Important Notes: The order in which you cast your blades and traps is critical! On the blade side, Dark Pact TC (treasure card) should be the first blade you cast, because it will use any blades on you when you cast it.

Traps are broken in the reverse order they are cast--the first traps you cast will get broken last. Life Trap TC and Spirit Trap (both regular and TC) should go on Nightshade first, so they trigger the life side of damage when you convert to life via Death Prism. You'll need to use additional Spirit Traps after the prism in order to get the death part of the trap to trigger.

You'll also want to try to get your Feints on early as well. 70-75% of a large number results in a larger increase in damage so you'll want these to trigger later rather than sooner.

In the next post I'll provide my recipe for traps and blades and in what order to cast them.

Jun 08, 2012
A few notes on decks and treasure cards.

Check the bazaar often for required treasure cards. At least once per day. Some of the cards you'll need are pretty rare and will sell out almost as soon as they are sold to the bazaar. Balanceblade and Dragonblade are rare. The higher % versions of Hex are rare. There is a 35% version of Spirit Trap that is exceedingly rare. I like to keep a stock of at least 4 copies of all treasure cards in my inventory that I'll use. Before the last attempt, I spent a month scouring the bazaar.

Constructing your deck: I like to keep 2-3 copies of each spell and TC in my deck for the attempt. I clear out all damage spells except a couple low-level things like Vampire to deal with the minion, and one copy of the spell I'll actually use for the attempt. In this case, Dr. Von's Monster. Some people like to use the smallest spell they can, like Dark Sprite, but I didn't want to risk it, so I used the largest I had. It also doesn't hurt to pump your spell with a Gargantuan or Colossal although in this instance I didn't because I accidentally used the one copy I had on the wrong attack spell.

And the actual recipe:

These 3 MUST be before Death Prism!
Life Trap TC (30%)
Spirit Trap TC (30%)
Spirit Trap (25%)

This must be next!
Death Prism

These can be anywhere (including first)
(Probably want feints on first)
Feint (70%)
Feint TC (70%)
Feint Item Card (75%) (Jewel of the Feint)
Curse (20%)
Curse TC (25%)
Hex TC (25%)
Hex TC (30%)

These MUST be after Death Prism!
Spirit Trap (25%)
Spirit Trap TC (30%)
Spirit Trap tC (35%)
Death Trap (30%)
Death Trap TC (35%)

Darkpact TC (35%) (MUST be first blade!)
Dragonblade TC (30%)
Deathblade (40%)
Deathblade TC (45%)
Spirit Blade (35%)
Spirit Blade TC (40%)
Balanceblade TC (30%)

Berserk (35%)

Oct 09, 2011
TL;DR: Get the gear that gives you the most damage, then get as many different versions of blades and traps as you can, get into a battle, use all of them and use your strongest attack.

Jan 11, 2012
here's what I used:

Attacking spell: Treasure card Colossal'd Dr Von's (820+300=1,120 base attack)
Enemy I did it on: Foulgaze

Death Prism (for the extra boost damage)
Dark Pact (sharpened blade version)

Feint/Death Trap/Curse/Spirit Trap (school trained, treasure card, potent trap)
Deathblade/Spirit Blade (school trained, treasure card, sharpened blade)

Hex/Beserk/Dragonblade/Bladestorm/Balanceblade (all TCs)