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Not Letting Me Harvest

Feb 29, 2012
So, I ported to my house today to tend to my garden and while I was there both of my Couch Potatoes went to elder. I was able to harvest one, but for some reason I can't harvest the second one that went elder. I havetried backing away and running forward again, leaving the house to come back to harvest them, logging in and out of a wizard to collect them and I have also exited the game and logged back in only to still find myself confronted with nothing popping up.

Since I haven't used the second spring (or whatever it's called) on this Couch Potato, I find this a little bit frustrating. Can anyone help me with this please?

Many thanks.
Scarlet Nightdreamer, Exalted


Please send an email to support@wizard101.com so they can help you investigate this issue.
