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i need help with balance

Nov 29, 2013
Hi I am a level 42 balance wizard and I am currently in Dragonspyre. I am having a extremely hard time. my when I fight elemental spells like hydra or spectral blast on fire, ice, or storm the spell is weaken the spell by there resists(it seems spectral blast always either the school I am facing or the shield they have up) and if its hydra and I am facing an fire or ice the always shield the other making to heads weaker. against balance monsters these two spells are weaken because balance ALWAYS elemental shield.I would spam judgement but it takes to long to kill or even effectively damage enemies and by the time I do I am almost dead with no pips to heal and beat the other monster. also balance wizards have resists against this spell.

please if there is any balance wizards out there that could give me tips in fighting balance and elemental monsters it will be greatly appreciated maybe even some tips on deck construction.

Aug 03, 2012
I keep 2 decks loaded for my balance wizard, I'm fortunate to be able to buy crowns and have a life mastery amulet so 1 of my decks has life damage spells. The nice thing about balance - the blades, hex work for any spell, I also trained tower shield (5 t points-worth it!) Also found that spectral blast seems to be the least resisted elem. spell against balance. I have also used minions (spectral) henchmen (crowns) and polymorphs successfully.

Jul 03, 2010
namelessperson012 on Jan 10, 2014 wrote:
Hi I am a level 42 balance wizard and I am currently in Dragonspyre. I am having a extremely hard time. my when I fight elemental spells like hydra or spectral blast on fire, ice, or storm the spell is weaken the spell by there resists(it seems spectral blast always either the school I am facing or the shield they have up) and if its hydra and I am facing an fire or ice the always shield the other making to heads weaker. against balance monsters these two spells are weaken because balance ALWAYS elemental shield.I would spam judgement but it takes to long to kill or even effectively damage enemies and by the time I do I am almost dead with no pips to heal and beat the other monster. also balance wizards have resists against this spell.

please if there is any balance wizards out there that could give me tips in fighting balance and elemental monsters it will be greatly appreciated maybe even some tips on deck construction.
I read these guides to get an idea on how to play Balance more effectively.


Jun 02, 2013
hello nameless,

Sorry to hear you are having such a difficult time in Dragonspyre. I have a wizard, and I began Dragonspyre at a higher level than you are attempting so I had the spell "Powernova" to assist me with hitting multiple targets for faster Duels, or if I didn't "One-Shot" them, then I was putting a "Weakness" on them which made the Duel easier regardless.

It seems as if you favor using Hydra, and Spectral Blast as your main attack spells. Those spells have their purpose and are quite useful in many situations, however, the Judgement spell's damage is affected by how many "Pips" you have up and if you can learn to estimate your damage of that spell, based on how many Pips you have up, I'm sure you will find the Weaknesses have less of an affect on you.

Dragonspyre's monsters seem to favor using Weakness very heavily, and that is how I figured out how to get through the zone in one piece .

As a second consideration, please make sure your gear is up to par. If you are patient enough to train a viable pet to boost your statistics, I suggest doing so as well.

I hope this helps you in your frustration, and that you get through Dragonspyre in order to give Malistaire a proper send off .

Gabriel Archmage

Brahm Spellbreaker Lvl 65

Jun 12, 2011
namelessperson012 on Jan 10, 2014 wrote:
Hi I am a level 42 balance wizard and I am currently in Dragonspyre. I am having a extremely hard time. my when I fight elemental spells like hydra or spectral blast on fire, ice, or storm the spell is weaken the spell by there resists(it seems spectral blast always either the school I am facing or the shield they have up) and if its hydra and I am facing an fire or ice the always shield the other making to heads weaker. against balance monsters these two spells are weaken because balance ALWAYS elemental shield.I would spam judgement but it takes to long to kill or even effectively damage enemies and by the time I do I am almost dead with no pips to heal and beat the other monster. also balance wizards have resists against this spell.

please if there is any balance wizards out there that could give me tips in fighting balance and elemental monsters it will be greatly appreciated maybe even some tips on deck construction.
Hi there, sorry to head you're having a hard time. My first wizard was balance and I've finally figured out how to play her effectively (only took me 3 years, lol). Pre-legendary balance can be a nightmare, but it does get easier.

That said, here's how Dr. Von does business:

1) when it comes to elemental creatures, do not rely on hydra and spec. Use your balance damage (and I agree with MMOluvr: power nova is my favorite spell, because it hits all and has the added effect of weakness to all as well).

2) you can't get rid of weakness or shields without losing your blades and traps too. Make good friends with cleanse charm and shatter treasure cards, as they are the only option we have.

3) deck construction will make or break you. Here's what my basic mob deck consists of (altered for a mid-level wizard):

1 balanceblade
1 power nova
1 sandstorm
1 bladestorm
1 reshuffle

You can also buy monstrous tc in the bazaar, and they will further enhance your spells. Don't forget your cleanse charm and shatter tc in sideboard as well.

If you are fighting balance enemies:

1 balanceblade
1 bladestorm
1 elemental tri-blade
1 hydra
1 spectral blast
1 reshuffle

Once again, make sure you have cleanse charm and shatter in your treasure deck. That way, you aren't stuck attacking into a shield.

Hope this helps!
