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wooden keys in barkingham palace

Dec 20, 2010
why don't the wooden keys keep the secret boss open in barkingham palace. I have to use a new wooden key every time I go in. I have farmed on 4 characters and can't get into the boss unless I get a wooden key drop every time. That has got to be a glitch, cause in darkmoor lower and in krock, the bosses stay open once the key is used once.

Jun 13, 2011
bunnell on Feb 18, 2015 wrote:
why don't the wooden keys keep the secret boss open in barkingham palace. I have to use a new wooden key every time I go in. I have farmed on 4 characters and can't get into the boss unless I get a wooden key drop every time. That has got to be a glitch, cause in darkmoor lower and in krock, the bosses stay open once the key is used once.
The chances of getting Skeleton Keys from bosses differ, depending on how many times you fought the bosses that have these keys. Some may get lucky, while others, they have to keep fighting them over and over again until they get their keys.

Plus, I believe that, as of currently, once you leave a dungeon that has that secret boss' chamber's particular skeleton lock unlocked by using a particular Skeleton Key, the dungeon's progress rests, & that includes re-locking that lock, or in some cases, more than one lock, to the secret boss' chambers. The same applies to the treasure rooms, too.