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Storm pet anyone?

Feb 27, 2009
What's up forum? Well, I've been trying to get the "perfect" storm pet for a while. You know the one. The one with double damage somehow stacked with some critical stats as well as a may cast fairy. Well, as most of you can guess, I never managed to get this.

I'm pretty new to this whole forum thing. But I figured I'd give it a shot. I know you guys must hear this all the time on the pet section asking for a hatch out of the kindness of your hearts, and unfortunately, that is exactly what I'm proposing today. Yes, I'm wondering if any of you have any pets with some decent storm stats (not expecting the best because my pets don't come close.) However, if any of you would be willing to hatch with me, I would be willing to either gift you a pack or something, or I could help you quest for a while. Granted, I only have two archmages, one balance and one storm, but I'd do my best.

If any of you are willing to do this, shoot me a reply on the thread and we can work something out. Thanks forum! Hope to hear from you guys soon

Jul 28, 2010
Joinaa, I have a pet or two that you might be interested in. I have one that is similar to what you would like, and several others that i am perfecting for my needs. I am a storm wizard, but damage is not much of a concern to me considering i have on average between 85% and 95% Damage Boost. What I personally look for is Defence and Healing. Do what you please with that information.
Storm Cat-Ancient, I might train him higher
2.Storm Giver
3.Storm Striker
(Critical Hitter Storm Giver Are manifested in his pool)
Deep Levy-Epic
1.MC Fortify
2.MC Healing Current
3.MC Fairy
Charred Fossil-Ancient, but soon to be Epic
1.MC Fortify
2.MC Sprite
3.MC Fairy
I won't be offended if you don't like any, but let me know if you are interested.

Jul 11, 2013
I have an adult li'l sirens pet with +7 critical rating and +2% damage. As you see, the talents are not very good for a myth wizard.
