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Seriously, Enough With the Earthquakes.

Sep 10, 2011
Ever since I got into Celestia and Zafaria, I've seen a lot of myth enemies. I didn't think much of them at first, but then I started to get a lot of quests that involved battling them until they dropped a certain item. These quests are bad enough, because you're lucky to get a single drop from battling four of them. What makes it worse is that these myth enemies have earthquake. Earthquake isn't formidable. It's extremely annoying. When you're level 60 and you have to fight multiple enemies with 1,500 health or more, it's cutting the battle a little close. Giving the enemies two power pips at the start of each battle makes the battle a little difficult for you. In order to win these battles, you usually have to use spells that hit all enemies at once (unless you're a lot better than I am. I use an ice wizard, so my attacking power isn't very high). When these enemies can use a spell that destroys all blades and shields you have accumulated, it's just unfair. It's bad enough that myth enemies can do this in only three turns, but they constantly use the spell. I was literally hit with four earthquakes in a span of five turns. Maybe I'm just complaining too much, but seriously? That's pushing it a little. Long story short: please stop giving myth enemies earthquake. The game isn't getting harder, it's just getting more annoying.

Feb 19, 2010
Myth bosses can be one of the most annoying school to battle and mainly because of 3 things.
1. earthquake and blade poppers.
2. Stun
3. double shield popping attacks.

To me myth is not difficult to battle because they dont pack enough punch to defeat me but its time consuming due to the 3 i stated above. So annoying to battle myth.

Feb 07, 2011
shinydarkmew1 on Jan 19, 2013 wrote:
Ever since I got into Celestia and Zafaria, I've seen a lot of myth enemies. I didn't think much of them at first, but then I started to get a lot of quests that involved battling them until they dropped a certain item. These quests are bad enough, because you're lucky to get a single drop from battling four of them. What makes it worse is that these myth enemies have earthquake. Earthquake isn't formidable. It's extremely annoying. When you're level 60 and you have to fight multiple enemies with 1,500 health or more, it's cutting the battle a little close. Giving the enemies two power pips at the start of each battle makes the battle a little difficult for you. In order to win these battles, you usually have to use spells that hit all enemies at once (unless you're a lot better than I am. I use an ice wizard, so my attacking power isn't very high). When these enemies can use a spell that destroys all blades and shields you have accumulated, it's just unfair. It's bad enough that myth enemies can do this in only three turns, but they constantly use the spell. I was literally hit with four earthquakes in a span of five turns. Maybe I'm just complaining too much, but seriously? That's pushing it a little. Long story short: please stop giving myth enemies earthquake. The game isn't getting harder, it's just getting more annoying.
oh, just wait until you're level 80 and they can chain-stun you.

as much as i hate myth enemies (and that spell) for the same reasons you do, i think you're overreacting.

street mobs in cel and zaf don't start with full pips~ therefore, a single enemy hitting you with 4 earthquakes in 5 turns is impossible, as they would need a total of 30 pips (15 power pips) to spam it that frequently.

i am a level 90 balance wizard. like ice, we are weaker offensively~ here are a few strategies that work for me:

-if you know you can't blade-stack, stack traps instead;
-don't blade until myth runs out of pips;
-you're ice: you boost against them AND can stun them. do it.
-dispels are available.

always tailor your strategy to suit your opponent~ if you can't or won't do so, then you will fail. best of luck, young wizard!

promethean sorceress, archmage necromancer, legendary diviner, & the rest.

Jun 10, 2012
Use astral spells instead of shields or blades. TC versions are easy to find in the bazaar if you haven't trained them.

Oct 11, 2010
shinydarkmew1 on Jan 19, 2013 wrote:
Ever since I got into Celestia and Zafaria, I've seen a lot of myth enemies. I didn't think much of them at first, but then I started to get a lot of quests that involved battling them until they dropped a certain item. These quests are bad enough, because you're lucky to get a single drop from battling four of them. What makes it worse is that these myth enemies have earthquake. Earthquake isn't formidable. It's extremely annoying. When you're level 60 and you have to fight multiple enemies with 1,500 health or more, it's cutting the battle a little close. Giving the enemies two power pips at the start of each battle makes the battle a little difficult for you. In order to win these battles, you usually have to use spells that hit all enemies at once (unless you're a lot better than I am. I use an ice wizard, so my attacking power isn't very high). When these enemies can use a spell that destroys all blades and shields you have accumulated, it's just unfair. It's bad enough that myth enemies can do this in only three turns, but they constantly use the spell. I was literally hit with four earthquakes in a span of five turns. Maybe I'm just complaining too much, but seriously? That's pushing it a little. Long story short: please stop giving myth enemies earthquake. The game isn't getting harder, it's just getting more annoying.
Gets worse later, stack traps on myth thats the way to beat them and no worry about the quakes. Trash myth monsters in az have tons more health than any prior worlds and they start with 8-10 pips out the door. Even so, even for ice the game if you have good gear and a good pet e.g. proof, defy, sprite, fairy etc its too easy.

Sep 22, 2012
lol i get what you are saying, i took my boyfriends character into an Azteca dungeon, first round got medusa, earth, fizzle and minotaur. Couldn't do anything for two rounds then i got medusa again, went on like this for a while, ending up rage quitting the dungeon and going back in with four people.
Yes, its annoying but deal with it, my only upper level is my myth and we only get frog and earthquake to do AoE, taking away earthquake would be taking away one of the things that make myth tricky to beat at times in quests. Thats the point in quests, some are hard you just need to find a way around it, try using an amplify bubble from star school with your schools bubble, colossal and put on stun block at some point. Either that or use conviction, colossal sun spell and school bubble, if all else fails bring a storm in with you
Try being a myth and having to fight myth with a frog or earthquake, now that is really annoying but yet i enjoyed it because it was a challenge