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May 15, 2015
I dont know if this is a glitch or bug or what but sometimes it wont let me view my friends stats or something
like if they are offline it doesnt show the picture and the arrow over is grayed out. does this mean the person is banned or something?

Jun 29, 2014
WisdomKeeper01 on Jul 7, 2015 wrote:
I dont know if this is a glitch or bug or what but sometimes it wont let me view my friends stats or something
like if they are offline it doesnt show the picture and the arrow over is grayed out. does this mean the person is banned or something?
Don't be worry this means your friend just haven't open his character for a long time. That happens to my friend list. Maybe the person just don't have time yet to play because to busy and for kids Parent making them not to play the game for a long time cause maybe they got in trouble. Hehe

Hope this help!
I also have friends that i dont see online for a long time This are
Joshua spirithunter
Aeden WillowWalker

May 15, 2015