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Musical Scrolls?

Aug 10, 2010
I've been selling a ton of stuff at the Bazaar, and I come across a few musical scrolls (If you must know, its Mooshu Combat theme.) And I was wondering about how you use them. I checked the help chat (Yes I use it! )
and it said nothing there. Answers plz?

-Grace Goldenleaf, Magus Level 34


We introduced the Music Player in November of 2011. In the Wizard City Furniture Shop you will find a few new items, most importantly Aubert can now sell you a Music Player and Music Scrolls. Scrolls are used in the Music Player to allow you to have different world music in your Castle or Dorm. Aubert only stocks Wizard City Main Theme and Krokotopia Main Theme, but look for other ways to obtain scrolls from other worlds throughout the Spiral.

To change the music in your house, simply place the Music Box in the house and select it while in 'Furniture Placement Mode' - you will see a musical note icon appear that will indicate you can change the music.
