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Darkmoor Furniture glitch?

Mar 06, 2010
So I just recently got myself a new house, and as anyone who wants to astound friends with some amazing stuff, I brought a few items from the bazaar that came from the darkmoor pack. Mostly some lovely eerie looking portraits. Anyway, everything was going well as I started going from room to room, placing objects here and there, but then I wanted to move one of these portraits, and found that I could not select it. The option to move or rotate it never came up, and the furniture was not highlighted when I hovered my pointer over it. Is it some sort of glitch with the new furniture? Or is a kink with the house??? there was one portrait that I was able to move, but when I placed it in another room, I could no longer select it, so maybe it is the house? The house I was furnishing is the Dragon's Fjord from the crown's shop.
-Catherine Ravenheart

We're aware that some of the walls on the inside of the Dragon's Fjord have this problem.

As a work around, you can use the House Tab of the Attic to pick it up. Open housing window -> Open Attic -> Select House Tab -> Select item -> Move to backpack
