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Losing connection at random times.

Aug 28, 2010
For over a year, while playing W101, the little circle with the chain breaking in it, would show up.
Over and over, usually once or twice a night, it would show up, a real pain.
Sometimes it would drop me back, to the wizard selection screen, sometimes the screen
would just refresh, and come back.
I had always thought this was a problem with W101, and maybe the update had created
the problem.
It turns out, that I have a XPS computer, and the Network cards in them are faulty.
They replaced the motherboard for me, but the problem with W101 showed back up after
a few weeks. Finally, we put a new Network card in, and the problem was solved. We disabled
the onboard Network card, and now no screen hesitation and no network drop outs.

I know others have been seeing this same issue, and I wanted to let them know what the
problem is, especially if they have an XPS computer.
