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Mar 31, 2010
Just a quick question about the minions in the crown shop...

Are they just a one time thing, or are they like spells and the constantly come back? Same with if they get killed, do they still come back? Also, which minion do you think I should choose, being a Thaumaturge?

Thank you,
Allison NightGem - Lvl 35 Thaumaturge
Destiney NightGem - Lvl 19 Thaumaturge

Ok that's a lot of questions. Let's start with the difference between a Minion and a Henchman.

Minions are a spell card that you learn just like any other spell from your school (or if you're lucky, a Treasure Card!). You can cast to summon this minion when the card comes up, provided you have enough pips and there's an empty sigil for it to appear in. Minions do not cost gold or Crowns.

Henchmen are hired Wizards that help you in a duel and they can only be purchased while you are in combat. They will come to your aid and behave similar to your Minion, only stronger and smarter. They will act in the same round that they are summoned by the player, and will disappear once the duel has ended. Henchmen are (for the most part) smarter than minions and since they shortcut the gameplay, they are only available for Crowns.

When you purchase a henchman, do so depending on the foe you are battling against, though I'm partial to a life minion just to keep me from being defeated as they will heal you, usually...

Jul 03, 2010
Alisyn 11 on Nov 24, 2012 wrote:
Just a quick question about the minions in the crown shop...

Are they just a one time thing, or are they like spells and the constantly come back? Same with if they get killed, do they still come back? Also, which minion do you think I should choose, being a Thaumaturge?

Thank you,
Allison NightGem - Lvl 35 Thaumaturge
Destiney NightGem - Lvl 19 Thaumaturge
Henchmen purchased in battle are a one time for that battle only purchase. If they are defeated during battle they will not come back.

Henchmen have their own game plan and sometimes do not act as you would like them to. It is possible to hire lower level Henchmen and get just as good if not better results then the higher level more expensive ones.

Apr 08, 2010
Jan 15, 2010
Alisyn 11 on Nov 24, 2012 wrote:
Just a quick question about the minions in the crown shop...

Are they just a one time thing, or are they like spells and the constantly come back? Same with if they get killed, do they still come back? Also, which minion do you think I should choose, being a Thaumaturge?

Thank you,
Allison NightGem - Lvl 35 Thaumaturge
Destiney NightGem - Lvl 19 Thaumaturge
Well... they don't come back-the ones in the crown shop- but for hard battles alone they can be pretty useful. But the ones on the regular spells you can cast over & over again.

Amber Soulgem

Oct 24, 2010
aluri on Dec 2, 2012 wrote:
can minions become more powerful?
Some minions have more health with more pips used (like the troll, cyclops and death minions). Most, however, do not.

Aug 30, 2009