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Problem while logging in

Jul 04, 2012
Hi! When I log into the game and its loading, and I minimize the tab, it won't open back up. Like if I click on it, it refuses to open again, and I can't even close the tab by right clicking on it and clicking "close tab". I have to restart my entire computer to play. Does this happen to anyone else? How can I fix this?

Angela Gem, Level 110
Katie GoldFountain, Level 102

Oct 24, 2012
I encounter this problem many times! It's usually just your Internet or PC acting wonky. All you need to do is right click on the task bar, beside where you were clicking on the wiz icon, and open task manager. There you can close the file. open it back up again and you should be able to play! Hope this helped.
~Wolf Blood, 89 Necromancer, Emerald Champion~
~Artur Rainbowheart, 48 Conjurer, Master of Monsters~

Jul 04, 2012
Leicrex on Mar 31, 2016 wrote:
I encounter this problem many times! It's usually just your Internet or PC acting wonky. All you need to do is right click on the task bar, beside where you were clicking on the wiz icon, and open task manager. There you can close the file. open it back up again and you should be able to play! Hope this helped.
~Wolf Blood, 89 Necromancer, Emerald Champion~
~Artur Rainbowheart, 48 Conjurer, Master of Monsters~
Okay, I will try that, thank you!

Angela Gem, Level 110
Katie GoldFountain, Level 110