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Loremaster farming unfair?

Mar 26, 2014
I've been farming Loremaster 7 hours a day everyday for the past week and today at least 9 and still nothing to show for it I've had my friends come in and learn a spell right away and it's so upsetting to watch them get it first or fifth try while I've been there for hours and get nothing. I've been farming on my fire trying to get krampus, brimstone and luminous weaver for pvp since it would really be useful for my 50 pvp strat, but I'm losing hope and I don't want to craft 3 spells and level to 60 to do it

Dec 01, 2013
Hi, the Loremaster spells are extremely rare, but I do think the droprates are unfair. For a permanent spell, I understand the rareity. However, they aren't extremely good so I do think that if you have been farming it 7 hours a day for a week straight (which I doubt, sorry if that's rude) Then you should get at least 3 spells, and the Krampus is the most common one, I got on my first try while actually doing the quest for the first time. I don't know what to tell you because I can't change the droprates, but I am going to tell you, stop farming and craft it because I spent at least 10 hours (over a long course of time just hopping on to farm it) and nothing. I highly reccomend you craft it.