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Auto Moving when changing Zone

Jul 11, 2009
When moving from one zone to another (like from Ravenwood to the Commons), if I am using only the mouse to move, when the area on the other side finishes loading, my little wizard is halfway across the map.... and still moving forward.

In some few cases, this is just amusing. However, when there are monsters on the other side of the loading screen, I often find my little wizard already caught into a battle.

This happen every time. So, my current solution is to get close to the transition point, then use WSAD or arrow keys to move forward.

Is there a Settings that changes how the mouse-move works? (Oh, and I never use <Num Lock>.)

Oct 24, 2010
Adeptus on Aug 23, 2014 wrote:
When moving from one zone to another (like from Ravenwood to the Commons), if I am using only the mouse to move, when the area on the other side finishes loading, my little wizard is halfway across the map.... and still moving forward.

In some few cases, this is just amusing. However, when there are monsters on the other side of the loading screen, I often find my little wizard already caught into a battle.

This happen every time. So, my current solution is to get close to the transition point, then use WSAD or arrow keys to move forward.

Is there a Settings that changes how the mouse-move works? (Oh, and I never use <Num Lock>.)
The only solution I know of is to disable auto move if you are changing worlds. I always use the arrow keys to move anyway... I don't like auto move at all. (but that's my personal preference)

Jul 11, 2009
Thank you for trying Unfortunately, I do not ever use Automove feature , ie <Num Lock>.

This "automoving" only occurs when using the Mouse to move and only whenever passing through a "Loading Screen."
If I am using the Arrow-keys or the WSAD-keys, this effect does not ever occur.

Jul 28, 2014
I can see people already answered this, But it only happens when you hold the mouse button(s) down when going threw a loading zone.

Jul 11, 2009
Blake Night Stalke... on Aug 25, 2014 wrote:
I can see people already answered this, But it only happens when you hold the mouse button(s) down when going threw a loading zone.
Yuppers. That is exactly the issue.

I took almost 2 years off playing (sometime after Zafaria was released), then I recently got the desire to play again.
This "bug" with the Mouse-hold-to-move did not ever occur a few years ago when I started playing.
The Arrow keys don't do this, now or then, and the Mouse-hold didn't do this way back then.
With which update did this start happening?