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Questing Partner Needed!

May 17, 2009
Hey Guys! My name is Noah, Flint Sunrider in-game. I am a level 59 fire wizard looking for help in Celestia. As fun as questing alone is, i think it would be better having someone with me!

So just reply to this if you're willing to help, and we can figure it all out from their! THANKS!

May 31, 2014
Flint Sunrider on Jun 16, 2014 wrote:
Hey Guys! My name is Noah, Flint Sunrider in-game. I am a level 59 fire wizard looking for help in Celestia. As fun as questing alone is, i think it would be better having someone with me!

So just reply to this if you're willing to help, and we can figure it all out from their! THANKS!
Well, I'm a lvl 34 balance wizard. I hope maybe I can reach you soon (but it's highly unlikely )