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Malistaire Help

Aug 12, 2012
I need help with the Malistaire dungeon. I already posted for help in this forum post, but I was unsuccessful because I forgot to post the realm
I would like to do this with two or three other people, please. I already know how to get passed the Gurtoks (however you spell that), so, the text in bold is for the people who come and help: When we get to the Upper Great Spyre, just stay by the elevator and I'll teleport to you two/you three. Don't go into the door until I teleport to you. I also need you to know that I have Menu Chat, so PLEASE, don't try to text me; believe it or not in can easily offend 'Menu Chatters'.
Ok, so let's meet at 1:00 p.m. on 6/10/14 , EST near the crafting anvil in Dragon's Roost on Wu Realm. When I say "Ready to go" it means we all have to dash for the sigil. Make sure everybody's at it before pressing x, because somebody might not have a mount!
And Remember, I'm really good at sneaking past all the mobs, so I'll keep saying "Teleport to me" every time I get past a whole group of them.

I'm going to add all of you to a group so I can say "Teleport to me" to all of you with only one speech.

Thanks to whoever offers to help!

-Nathaniel Redflame, level 50

P.S. If you're going to help, please say so below
P.P.S. Please don't direct me to Wizard101 Central. I read the rules when making an account and I certainly do NOT agree to them (i.e. Why should I pay them to be plagiarized without being told that I payed, especially when I'm too young to have a credit card?)

Aug 12, 2012
Little Dragon Spar... on Jun 9, 2014 wrote:
I need help with the Malistaire dungeon. I already posted for help in this forum post, but I was unsuccessful because I forgot to post the realm
I would like to do this with two or three other people, please. I already know how to get passed the Gurtoks (however you spell that), so, the text in bold is for the people who come and help: When we get to the Upper Great Spyre, just stay by the elevator and I'll teleport to you two/you three. Don't go into the door until I teleport to you. I also need you to know that I have Menu Chat, so PLEASE, don't try to text me; believe it or not in can easily offend 'Menu Chatters'.
Ok, so let's meet at 1:00 p.m. on 6/10/14 , EST near the crafting anvil in Dragon's Roost on Wu Realm. When I say "Ready to go" it means we all have to dash for the sigil. Make sure everybody's at it before pressing x, because somebody might not have a mount!
And Remember, I'm really good at sneaking past all the mobs, so I'll keep saying "Teleport to me" every time I get past a whole group of them.

I'm going to add all of you to a group so I can say "Teleport to me" to all of you with only one speech.

Thanks to whoever offers to help!

-Nathaniel Redflame, level 50

P.S. If you're going to help, please say so below
P.P.S. Please don't direct me to Wizard101 Central. I read the rules when making an account and I certainly do NOT agree to them (i.e. Why should I pay them to be plagiarized without being told that I payed, especially when I'm too young to have a credit card?)
Nevermind -- let's have it on 6/11/14 at 1:00 instead. Today is too early, I don't know if anybody has replied but it waiting for it to get accepted...

Aug 12, 2012
Little Dragon Spar... on Jun 9, 2014 wrote:
I need help with the Malistaire dungeon. I already posted for help in this forum post, but I was unsuccessful because I forgot to post the realm
I would like to do this with two or three other people, please. I already know how to get passed the Gurtoks (however you spell that), so, the text in bold is for the people who come and help: When we get to the Upper Great Spyre, just stay by the elevator and I'll teleport to you two/you three. Don't go into the door until I teleport to you. I also need you to know that I have Menu Chat, so PLEASE, don't try to text me; believe it or not in can easily offend 'Menu Chatters'.
Ok, so let's meet at 1:00 p.m. on 6/10/14 , EST near the crafting anvil in Dragon's Roost on Wu Realm. When I say "Ready to go" it means we all have to dash for the sigil. Make sure everybody's at it before pressing x, because somebody might not have a mount!
And Remember, I'm really good at sneaking past all the mobs, so I'll keep saying "Teleport to me" every time I get past a whole group of them.

I'm going to add all of you to a group so I can say "Teleport to me" to all of you with only one speech.

Thanks to whoever offers to help!

-Nathaniel Redflame, level 50

P.S. If you're going to help, please say so below
P.P.S. Please don't direct me to Wizard101 Central. I read the rules when making an account and I certainly do NOT agree to them (i.e. Why should I pay them to be plagiarized without being told that I payed, especially when I'm too young to have a credit card?)
Ok, so, please ignore that. I would like to say thank you to Antonio D., who came to help. I went anyways to try to do it on my own, and he was there to help.

I would also like to say sorry, though. In the middle of the Malistaire battle, right when he was about to attack, my computer died. I have never been more mad. I was mad because I had spent days looking for somebody to help, yet here, I've made it look like I did this on purpose to just leave the battle on him; but it was an accident. I spent the next five minutes trying to get back on, but my computer was being too slow because I had been rushing it. So, I am incredibly sorry. I'm really really sorry, I understand how mad you must be.

I'm sorry.

-Nathaniel Redflame, the horrible wizard who forgot to plug in the computer

Feb 10, 2010
how do you get the malstire quest I am fire level 64

Feb 07, 2011
Please don't direct me to Wizard101 Central. I read the rules when making an account and I certainly do NOT agree to them (i.e. Why should I pay them to be plagiarized without being told that I payed, especially when I'm too young to have a credit card?

It sounds like you misunderstood the terms of use, young wizard.

Central is a free site; I am an adult, and I have never had to give them any credit card info or pay for anything. Forum gold (which *can* be purchased) is optional, like crowns; in fact, you can earn it just by making posts on their forums, or receive it as a gift from other posters.

I have never gotten anything less than the best help from people on central. There's a group called Mercs 4 Hire that will assist with any and all difficult instance quests; I have gotten help from them before, and I highly recommend them to anyone who may be having trouble. In fact, I swear by it for my own questing.

@Anthony: what quest are you currently on? Most people hit Malistaire between level 45-55, depending on how you play. The quest chain can be found here:


Good luck!
