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Henchmen Grievance

Apr 27, 2009
I'm sure this topic has been introduced before but I find there is a large problem with the henchmen one buys from the crown shop during a battle.

Naturally, I am not keen about paying 400 crowns for, honestly, the only competent henchmen available--the level 80. Sometimes, however, they are necessary or just a helpful when you want to get done with a tough battle quickly and with some buffer space.

This buffer space is usually my henchman taunting the enemies with his smaller, unbuffed spells. The enemies, usually within 5-6 rounds have my henchman dead.

Henchmen should function like a player: able to be healed. When a henchman dies, they simply vanish along with the money I spent for them; they never are given the chance at life! It only makes sense that if I pay for a henchman, even after he dies, he should still occupy the space with the opportunity to be healed.
I wouldn't even mind being able to control my henchmen!

Oct 24, 2010
nlhf1995 on Oct 21, 2012 wrote:
I'm sure this topic has been introduced before but I find there is a large problem with the henchmen one buys from the crown shop during a battle.

Naturally, I am not keen about paying 400 crowns for, honestly, the only competent henchmen available--the level 80. Sometimes, however, they are necessary or just a helpful when you want to get done with a tough battle quickly and with some buffer space.

This buffer space is usually my henchman taunting the enemies with his smaller, unbuffed spells. The enemies, usually within 5-6 rounds have my henchman dead.

Henchmen should function like a player: able to be healed. When a henchman dies, they simply vanish along with the money I spent for them; they never are given the chance at life! It only makes sense that if I pay for a henchman, even after he dies, he should still occupy the space with the opportunity to be healed.
I wouldn't even mind being able to control my henchmen!
Yes, it's been posted. No, they did nothing to fix it. Save you money, buy only level 40 henchmen; they work best

Feb 19, 2010
Control is the key word here that would be great. Do you know how many times ive used a henchman on a boss and the henchman triggers the boss cheat oh how that bites. And its always fun when u summon 2 life henchman and they decide to heal each other instead of you then you die lol thats the one i get irritated with.