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New Chatting Options

Nov 29, 2008
My chat box doesn't let me text anymore. I can read everyones but there is no input option. I went to My Accounts and enabled it but it still wont let me and I had it before and yes I am of age. Any help would be appreciated.


Hmm sounds like a glitch - would you mind contacting Mr Lincoln through the Help & Support tab on the left? He'll be able to sort it out for you quickly.

Apr 02, 2009
I love the new chatting options. But I have a question.
Could you maybe put the group chat in its own box like you had it before. Because when there are a lot of people in the worlds and all chatting at the same time I lose what me and my friends where talking about in private or group chat. If you could put the private/group chat in it own box like you had it, it would make is easy to keep track of your conversations. Just an idea.