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Sensitive doorways pulling you in?

Jun 19, 2009
I've found that running past center doors (namely those in the Grand Arena in Krok) is quite a pain. It's difficult getting to the right spot what with all the monsters around so you're forced to run around either the outside or inside edge of the arena. If you take the inside, you have a hard time crossing over to the outside. If you take the outside, you seem to get warped into the other rooms as you run past them, even if you don't dip down into the actual entrance.

It was so bad that it took me 3 or 4 tries to get away because there were times when, even though I'd gotten past the doorways, I was pulled back in and had to run back outside.

Am I the only one who has ever experienced this? If not, it might be worth looking into because the doorways seem to be a bit touchy.

Apr 25, 2009
yeah, I've had that problem, but if you back up quickly, it'll usually pull you out before you have to fight anything. Grand Arena was the only place I had this problem though, just because of the clusters of monsters and the lack of sidewalks (I guess it was practice for Marlybone. Ugh).