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True Friends Question

Mar 01, 2009
Yes, I accidentally set up the family account under my son's name and not mine. I understand from reading other posts that there is no way to change this. I also don't think I can change my own account to 18+ unless I change his as well, and I certainly don't want him reading 18+ dialogue. I am guessing that being True Friends with specific players will be my best option to chat with adults that I quest with. However, I am not at all familiar with True Friends, how does it work? Where are these codes? Do we have to create our own? How does someone give/receive the code? And how/where do we enter (and potentially terminate) the code to create a True Friend?

Please advise if you know of some way that I can update my own account without allowing my son to read 18+ content. If it is possible and I need to email KI, please provide their address.

Thank you.