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Are treasure cards ever discarded someone needs to

Jul 09, 2008
I play a little less now a days. When I do play it is generally just in the arena. However the arena is a mess 50% of the time. Now I have a question about treasure cards. So I was in a duel(a very long one i might add :x ). My advisory and I had obviously gotten down to our last few cards. As I am building up pips he is wild bolting over and over no less then twenty times(I counted but this was the last part of the duel). Now he was myth not storm so he can only carry these is the side deck. Now this is a two+ hour duel. He had already used several WILD BOLTS to begin with so lets say for argument sake he only used four others that would be 24 wild bolts. Then he also used dryads, and 55% tower shield so I know that WILD BOLT was not the only spell in his sidedeck.
So my question is what is the point of a card fizzling when it just goes back in the deck. No other game I have ever played is like this, I use card card is gone. Then I reshuffle and it comes back. This is how I thought it was, however I was wrong. Honestly guys I am holding on but if one more person spends the game wild bolting, or chain stunning and telling me how it is K I fault and cursing me, calling me a noob, calling me a loser, or telling me to shut it because it is a game and they can ruin it for everyone else because you guys can't do anything about it. Then I will have to take a break I know you guys are working on this but I know a lot of wizards who have stopped questing and only duel. Then we deal with this and everyone gets upsets logs off and thats the end of a night for us. I love the game you all have done great things and have wonderful talent, but you have to fix this now or just send the arena back to the way it use to be(no tickets, no rank) so it really doesn't matter. Thx guys.
Boris Dragondust

Dec 14, 2008
Are you trying to say that an individual, hypothetically, could play indefinitely from his side bar, until he runs out of cards? Let's say, his side bar holds 20 cards, all of them are Wild Bolt. He draws a Wild Bolt and casts it, but it fizzles. That in fact, if he fizzled 20 times, he could still keep drawing from the side bar because the fizzles return to the side bar? He can keep casting Wild Bolt until he has finally used every card in the side bar?
Have you tried this? Can Wild Bolt be purchased? I haven't looked. I have to admit, it would make for an interesting game.

Jul 09, 2008
Yes that is what I am saying. It seems you can just keep casting WILD BOLT till it goes off if it is a gold card. As for an interesting game no it is not. Last night yet again I lost a team duel because all the other team did was WILD BOLT. This is now so boring that I might as well just be chain stunned the whole time. Yes you can shield yes you can heal but I would like to do other spells. The WILD BOLTS went off almost every other round and we had a grand master life wizard and still could not heal enough to keep up with the wild bolts. I now hate the arena, The rank system is useless, just make it no rank and no tickets again then at least the people who just want to duel can do so without being tormented.
Boris Dragondust

Dec 13, 2008
Spells that fizzle are returned to your deck, whether they are treasure or trained. The spell card isn't used if it isn't cast, it's as if you were reciting an incantation for a spell and you messed up or were interrupted. You never actually used it, it just didn't work the first try. This is stated in the guide in game (Spellbook -> question mark labeled "Help") and in the guide here on the website, I believe.

Think about how difficult it would be if cards that fizzled were discarded. Let's say you have something like the Dragonfire Deck equipped (60 trained cards, 4 of each card, 25 sideboard): if you have 4 Tritons in that deck and, due to Storm's low accuracy, 2 fizzle, then you've just lost 2 cards that you never even used. I should think that I speak for everyone when I say, this would quite simply ruin the game.