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Level 50 Quest--Request??

Feb 18, 2009
I have a suggestion that I would like to run by you. I am currently a level 45 Pyromancer working in DragonSpyre. I would like to give the request that you consider the possibility of Level 50 (or topped out players) the opportunity to redo the whole game, all quests (except school card quests of course) from start to finish. Especially now that you implemented this whole housing thing.

See, How I see it, is that those of us who are close or already done with the game (so to speak) would like the opportunity to start over to get said dropped items from quests. I understand that I can start over with a new character and such but I personally am not interested in doing that. I know many others that feel the same way. It's inticing and all that but some of us would like to be able to do more with our current character that we worked so hard and accomplished so much with.

I understand the arguments that will come with this, such as that it will be way to easy for us to go back and beat Unicorn Way all over again and such things but my suggestion is to make it an post game thing where all the bosses, including those in Unicorn Way, are just as powerful and just as strong as the ones in DrogonSpyre somehow.

Just my thoughts and suggestions,

Hunter SilverHeart

Dec 02, 2008
Start a new character and pass items to the character you want via the shared bank.