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Non-Subscribers and Housing Questions

May 22, 2008
Hi! My question is in regards to the new housing feature. If I purchase a house in (for example) Marleybone, and my non-subscribing friends want to see it, can they or would they have to purchase that area just to visit with me?
Another housing question I have is will we be able to visit other players islands without adding them to our friends lists? Like, would there be some kind of hub where we can visit random islands to see what other players have done to decorate their homes?
Could we, at some point in time, be able to own multiple islands and keep them furnished, rather than have to empty one island in order to equip another island, as the mood strikes us to change them up?

Non-subscribers can visit their friends wherever they live.

Currently, the only way to visit someone else’s island is if you’re their friend. We’ve talked about housing enhancements that would allow non friends to visit, but nothing has been decided yet.

Right now you may own three furnished islands and your dorm room. You can switch between them by equipping the one you’d like to visit in the housing page of your backpack (the hotkey is “U”). If you unequip all of your islands, the go home button will teleport you to your dorm.

Jun 03, 2008
I don't understand how you get 'qualified' to move out of the dorm room. I thought the release notes said you had to be over level 10, but is there more to it than that? I have a family member who was level 10 when the update was released, so he leveled up to level 11 but Simeon is still telling him that he isn't qualified to move out of the dorms. Is this some sort of bug or is there just something I'm missing in deciphering the release notes?

Due to an error, the level requirement for Simeon’s quest was mistakenly given as level 10. Players need to be level 15 to receive Simeon’s quest and to purchase Castles & Lands.

Sorry for any confusion.
